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About Us - Pixels & Wine
About Us 2018-03-20T11:37:11+00:00

We make it easy to tell your story, at the right time to the right audience.

It started with the pixels and was completed with wine. We began as a web development agency, specializing in creating websites with rich user experience and optimized for conversion. Our team soon realized that with our combined skills and passion, we are perfectly suited for the wine industry. We all know that saying, “Everything’s better with wine”. The rest is history. Today we are based in the heart of BC’s acclaimed wine country. Pixels & Wine is an all-in-one digital marketing agency specialized in helping you book more wine tours, sell more wine and increase your brand exposure.

With the world constantly evolving, we examine trends and prepare your winery for the future. At Pixels & Wine, we keep your winery thriving by being laser-focused on lifetime value, not short-term goals. Our vision and passion help create the blueprint that guides your winery from vine to sale.