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How to Increase Brand Exposure On Instagram And Get Noticed
//Five Ways to Increase Brand Exposure on Instagram and Build Winery Reputation

Five Ways to Increase Brand Exposure on Instagram and Build Winery Reputation

2018-03-30T09:59:46+00:00 March 19th, 2018|Social Media|0 Comments

The supply and demand of attention is king. What’s got people’s attention these days? Enter the fastest growing social network that’s grown by over 200 million users in the last year.  With the introduction of Instagram stories and ads gaining a following is more important than ever. We’ll show you some tips to maximize you’re your brand potential on IG.

Post when your followers are most active.

The timing of a post can have a huge effect on interaction. Luckily IG has a built-in analytics tool to help you track your audience.

Learn how to use hashtags properly

Reach your target audience easier than ever before. Simply study users you want to reach, go on profiles and create a list of hashtags that those users are following. This will boost your exposure among the people most likely to become your customers.

Use Instagram stories

In approximately 2 years IG stories popularity is skyrocketing, reaching 300 million plus users. It’s a great tool for

  • Gathering excellent data using the poll feature.
  • Humanizing your brand by giving behind the scenes of everyday activities.
  • Creating hype for a new product

Use IG influencers to build trust and increase visibility

Partnering with an IG influencer could be the best investment you make. Consumers are much more likely to trust social proof from somebody they can relate to than from your brand. Get your brand in front of millions of users daily and you’ll grow your following in no time.

Consistency is key

Every post should have a visual consistency that can be clearly identified by users. This is essential to helping your brand stand out in a news feed.

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